Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Today, I met with the rest of my collaborative group and we discussed some ideas.
Some ideas we had for a flash mob are as follows:
- A mass kissing event
- A water fight
- Pretending that a random person is famous
- Dancing out of time to music
- Singing
- Lots of people freezing at once (would need a lot for this to be successful)
- Pillow fight
- Applause
- Stop and lie down/pretend to be asleep
- Jumping in sync
- Silent disco

Monday, 24 January 2011

URL: http://www.blasttheory.co.uk/bt/work_ulrikeandeamoncompliant.html

This image was taken at the 53rd Venice Biennale in 2009. Participants were invited to take on the role of Urike and Eamon Complaint. It is a political and interactive piece of art work.

I like the idea of doing an interactive artwork for Exhibition B, in the form of a flash mob where other people are encouraged to participate.
Artist Annette Messager's My Vows project. It is an installation of many photographs of various photographs of body parts, hung up by string.

Friday, 21 January 2011

There are lots of flash mob videos to look at on YouTube and on the internet in general. This one grabbed my attention; I think because there were enough people to make a big impact and get good reactions off everyone. Over 200 people turned up at Grand Central station to 'freeze' at exactly the same time for five minutes. I think the more successful flash mobs are when there are lots of people involved.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

For Exhibition B, our collaborative group, which has extended to five, instead of three, have decided to get together, along with others, and do some sort of flash mob. We have begun researching into different types of flash mobs. We had a meeting today and came up with this as a group. We want to not only photograph and document to event itself but the reactions of the public to it.